Ariella's Bat Mitzvah "Twinning" Campaign IN Support of the American Society for Yad Vashem Ends March 11, 2020

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My New Twin
Ester was born in 1940 to Tzivia and Chaim Eliezer Wurman– no one knows Ester's exact birthday. The Wurmans lived in Uzendov, Poland. When the war broke out, Ester and her mother were separated from Chaim Eliezer and forced into hiding. A Polish neighbor informed the Nazis where Tzivia and Ester were hiding and they were discovered, dragged out and shot. Esther did not live to see her 3rd birthday.
Danielle and Alan Ellman donated $180.
Sietz Family donated $36.
You are deliciously fantastic! We are very proud of you. Big hugs.
Shirley Markowitz donated $100.
Zev, Lilah & Rafa Gross donated $100.
We’re so proud of you cuz!
Joseph Passarella donated $360.
Randi and Elliot Ostrove donated $180.
Mazal Tov!
Mark Boim donated $36.
Natalie Baitner donated $100.
You are doing a great chesed
Ronni & David Weprin donated $180.
Avinoam Biderman donated $36.
Ora Rosenberg donated $100.
In loving memory of my dear Husband, father and grandfather Irving Rosenberg (a holocaust survivor} You are forever in our hearts and memory.
Kevin Gilbert donated $180.
Rebecca Kurlander donated $20.
Mazel Tov Ariella on your bat mitzvah!! Looking forward to seeing what else you do!
Alan & Karen Wurman donated $100.
So glad to help you achieve this wonderful goal. Mazel Tov on becoming a Bat Mitzvah.
Adina & Lawrence Burian donated $180.
Mazal Tov! Absolutely beautiful!
Tatiana Hakimian donated $54.
Mazal tov on your bat mitzvah Ariella! I was and still am in awe of your amazing project. Tizku l’mitzvot!
Mark Moskowitz donated $360.
Michelle Cohen donated $18.
Mazal tov!! Really so proud of you!!
Fredda Sacharow and Steven Stern donated $50.
Mazel Tov to Ariella, with thanks for making our family proud.
Arnold and Susan Mandelstam donated $100.
A huge mazel tov to you and a huge yasherkoach for your commitment to such a crucial endeavor. As the child of a holocaust survivor, i salute your commitment to making sure we never forget. May you always continue in this path of doing what's right for klal Yisroel.
Beth Silverman donated $36.
Congratulations and thank you for keeping the holocaust memory alive.
Cindy Hamada donated $36.
Beautiful! The future of our nation is bright if left in the hands of youth like Ariella. Don’t know this special Young lady but am so inspired by this project.
Ilana & Jonathan Mazurek donated $36.
Mazel tov Ariella! What a beautiful and inspiring bat mitzvah project! May your family continue to have much nachas from you!
D'vora Biderman donated $180.
Ariella, I am extremely proud of you! Words can not describe how moved I was when you first told me this is what you wanted to do for your Bat Mitzvah. It was so meaningful to me to be by your side at Yad Vashem in Israel, I will never forget that experience. It has been so special to share with you my love and dedication to Yad Vashem and commemorating the Holocaust. Your dedication to this project is incredible and I only wish for you to continue doing great things with your life. I love watching you grown in to the beautiful woman that you are! Keep up the great work!!! I love you forever and always! - D
Stephen Gladstone donated $180.
Moshe and Caroline Rosner donated $360.
Kol hakavod to Ariella a beautiful young woman Inside and out May you continue your groundbreaking and inspirational work for many years to come.
Ross Zuckerman donated $100.
Kerrol Israel donated $180.
Keep up the good work
Cecile Meyer donated $50.
With my love and best wishes.
Glenesha Israel donated $180.
I am so proud of you Ariella. Love you.
Yael and michael Schreiber donated $50.
Mazal tov Ariella! What a beautiful way to celebrate. So happy we could be apart of it. Yael, Michael, Mia and Kenley
Rivka & Cal Gershowitz donated $50.
Mazel Tov
Michelle and Andrew Davidson donated $100.
What a beautiful mitzvah. Mazel tov Ariella!
Chanie Zahtz donated $54.
Kol hakavod, Ariella!
Arlene & Larry Radbell donated $540.
What a wonderful thing you are doing Ariella. We are so proud of you.
Don Scales donated $3,600.
Mazel tov on leading such a great cause
Avi Goldberg donated $180.
Donny, Sigal, Harry and Celia Epstein donated $360.
Moshe Szlechter donated $100.
Your speech was absolutely incredible and extremely moving.
Gloria Wurman and the Wurman family from Canada donated $500.
Thank you Ariella, for your very meaningful and thoughtful way of remembering our cousin Esther.
Shana jeanine Aaron donated $36.
Mazel tov!! We are all so super proud ❤️!! Keep the memories alive!
Mark & Sara Bienstock donated $100.
Mazel Tov Ariella. We are very proud of you.
Eylan Schulman donated $100.
Mazel Tov!! Amazing!!
Sara & Benjy Arbesfeld donated $100.
Hi Ariella. Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah . AWESOME VIDEO. Best wishes in success and happiness.
Elin and Avi Freilich donated $180.
Mazal Tov on your Bat Mitzvah! We truly enjoyed being part of it. You are a sensitive, talented, beautiful and inspiring young woman! Holocaust Education is one of the best tools available to combat antisemitism. And your project has the power to connect past, present and future in a very meaningful manner. תזכי למצוות
Ilana & Dror Rosenfeld donated $100.
Mazal Tov Ariella! Your Bat Mitzvah project was very inspiring, meaningful and beautifully done. We are so proud of you!
Jane G. Schulman donated $180.
Yasher koach, Ariella! Your passion to bring Esther's story and the stories of other children of the Holocaust is an inspiration to us all. Wishing you mazel tov on your bat mitzvah and many years of joy and health and blessings with your family.
Susan Davis donated $54.
A very beautiful tribute! May you continue to grow in wisdom and compassion, and may you continue to make your family and community proud.
Shelley and Sid Itzkowitz donated $50.
Dear Ariella, Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah. A great project you have undertaken.
Teena Rubinfeld donated $180.
Mazal Tov Ariella. What a special bat mitzvah project and a beautiful movie. We wish your whole family much nachas and happiness always! Teena and Stu
Helen Bohorodzaner donated $100.
Mazel Tov!! You are a truly mature and inspiring young lady. So terribly sorry I was unable to join you and your family in celebrating.
Ilana Friedman donated $75.
Mazel Tov Ariella upon your Bat Mitzvah. We are very proud of you for taking on this amazing and important project with Yad Vashem. We are all inspired by your devotion. Ilana & Seth Friedman
Aviva Warshaw donated $180.
Ariella, we are so proud of you!
Debbie and Jerry King donated $36.
Mazel Tov upon your Bat Mitzvah. Tizki L'mitzvot. You made your parents and everyone around you very proud on your special day. So glad we could be a part of it. May you continue on this path as you begin this new phase of your life.
Sharon and Hilary Hertan donated $100.
Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah. This is a very worthy project!
Jesse Rosenbaum donated $36.
Dear Ariella, kudos to you and your parents on this amazing project!!!! You’re a true inspiration. Mazel Tov on becoming a bat mitzvah!
Tammy and Hillel Bryk donated $100.
Beautiful, Mazal Tov On Your Bat Mitzvah
Elliot Goldofsky donated $100.
Mazal Tov and a big Yashir Koach
Toby Cooper donated $50.
What a wonderful project! B'hatzlacha! Mazal tov, Ariella, on your upcoming bat mitzvah.
O. BZ donated $72.
Karyl and Asher Miller donated $36.
Mazel Tov Ariella! Your twinning is a beautiful idea and we are contributing to Yad Vashem in your honor.
Jonathan and Marian Kramer donated $180.
Esther and Michael Kurzman donated $180.
Deborah and Chaim Freund and family donated $1,000.
We are very proud of you and love you may you continue to bring nachas to all of us!
Adele & Hy Itzkowitz donated $180.
What an inspiring young lady you are!
Rabbi Raphael and Pessy Butler donated $120.
May you continue to lead an inspired life. Mazal tov.
Susan Lerner donated $180.
Mazel Tov Ariella on your Bat Mitzvah. We are very proud of what you have done. Kol Hakavod ❤️Susan and Jack Lerner
Robin and Michael Appel donated $72.
What an amazing program! We were glad to be able to celebrate with you and your family, and in memory of your “twin” Ester.
Gita and Jay Lisker donated $360.
What a beautiful idea to do for you gifts! We are sure you will reach your goal, and more! Thanks for making the world a better place.
Ari & Ariella Levine donated $180.
Golda Pearlman donated $1000.
The Jewish people look to you, our young people, to help shape our future. The future is in your hands with your whole generation. You are special smart, bright caring and a beautiful soul. You make me proud. I love you Ariella your Bubby Golda😘
Rita Levy donated $180.
Dear Ariella, Thank you and your wonderful family for sharing your story, your journey, and for giving people the opportunity to learn more about the holocaust. You are an inspiration to us all.
Damien, Olivia & Ella Brown donated $185.
Dear Ariella, You are a very special young lady and we are very proud of what you are doing.
Deborah Elaine Cole donated $180.
Rochelle and Simon Blitz donated $100.
Dear Ariella, we were so happy to celebrate with you! You are amazing! This is so beautiful and inspiring!!
Mindy Ribner donated $100.
Dear Ariella, I am so proud of what you have done! Your wish to do something meaningful will not only perpetuate Ester's memory, but will also encourage the importance of remembrance
for many young adults like yourself. Ester is lucky to have a twin like you. I feel privileged to have been a part of your simcha. תזכי למצוות
Miriam & Alfred Yarkony donated $100.
Leah Leff donated $18
Ayelet Rabinowitz donated $100.
What a special, incredibly meaningful project! Kol hakavod for taking this upon yourself.
Yonina Lermer donated $36.
This is truly incredible. It is so great to see someone so young understand and act on something so important. Yasher Koach. Love, Ms. L.
Michelle Kleinman donated $360.
Couldn’t be prouder of you Ariella
Lisa, Tsachi, Ariel, Boaz, Tamar and Roee Achrak donated $180.
Kol hakavod Ariella for taking on such a meaningful and inspiring project. Sending you lots of love and the very best of all good things for your bat-mitzvah and into the future!
The Marcus 7 donated $180.
Ariella, this is an extraordinary commitment and The Marcus 7 ((Kipp, Ali, Keaton, Quinn, Hudson, Amelie and West) believe in you and this important connective project. Thank you for touching us and others with your mission!
Cecile Meyer donated $125.
Ariella, An absolutely wonderfully special and meaningful project.
Marian and Eddie Szteinbaum donated $180.
Ariella, we are honored to donate to your incredible bat mitzvah project! We are very proud that you have undertaken to raise money for such an important cause.
Avram Blumenthal donated $180.
Ariella , your bat mitzvah celebration was very inspiring , Kol Hakavod to you and your family for all the work that went into making the films and evening amazing . May you continue to grow. Avram
Avi & Dena Block donated $50.
Incredible and inspiring work. Mazal tov!
Rivky and Adam Orlow donated $100.
Kol Hakavod
Chani Traube and Marc Goldmann donated $54.
What a spectacular program! We were so glad to celebrate with you and your family, and in memory of your “twin” Ester. Tizku L'Mitzvot! Chani and Marc
Batya Goldwaser and Gabriel Schwartzman donated $180.
Mazal tov! What a wonderful project! Very proud of you and so happy to support this important work!
Moshe Goldwaser and Esther Zajdenweber donated $180.
Mazal Tov Ariella, you are participating in a project that would make your paternal great grandparents very proud.
Simon Pelman donated $1,000.
I was very inspired by your video and commitment. May Hashem Yisborach bless you and your family Bakol. Thanks the Pelman family
Ruthie and Steve Sommer donated $180.
We are proud to know you - and know about Ester. Yasher Kochacha and Mazal Tov on both of your bat mitzvahs!
Michael and Barbara Berl donated $100.
Ariella, we are proud of the meaningful project that you have undertaken. May you go from chayil to chayil. Michael and Barbara
Alissa and Joey Robinow donated $180.
In honor of Arielle’s bat mitzvah
Sandy and Larry Gross donated $360.
Ariella, we could not be more proud of you for this amazing project! Love, Savta and Grampa.
Rabbi Shlomo & Karen Hochberg donated $180.
Ariella - we are so proud of you !! Your maturity, energy, and determination to make a difference and to give to others are an inspiration!!
My tour of Yad Vashem was incredible. I saw things and heard things that I had never seen or heard before. The things that were done to the Jewish people by Hitler and the Nazis were unimaginable. It was very hard to think about it. The ceremony in the Yad Vashem shul was so beautiful and meaningful.
One of the most emotional parts of the day was when we entered the children’s memorial where just a few candles are made to look like millions, and we see the faces and hear the names of so many of the children that did not survive. I don’t know how to describe it. It was the most emotional but incredible day. One I will never forget for the rest of my life.